Saturday, June 30, 2012

     Artco is in the middle of a brave new business plan, Distributive Printing.  Here are the changes that has happened. 10 people laid off because the new business model has no room for orders to be corrected on site.  Infact the S.O.P. is for the order to be printed regardless how it looks. To quote " thats how it is sent in then don't question it just print it. If it is wrong then we will reprint it at a charge because we don't touch or adjust the files sent in."
      Then people wonder why Artco is so slow (lack of work)?  just a guess, lack of caring about what the customer receives.  Instead of taking the time to fix a problem just send it through. 
       Why don't they take the time ?  Oh wait the employees that have been Laid-off were the ones that corrected a lot of the order files, that had been sent in with problems.
            Who would make such an awesome decision Taylor Corp.  or so the employee's have been lead to believe.  But my money is still with the management or Artco.  A poor decision by the parent company should be questioned, not blindly followed.