Saturday, June 30, 2012

     Artco is in the middle of a brave new business plan, Distributive Printing.  Here are the changes that has happened. 10 people laid off because the new business model has no room for orders to be corrected on site.  Infact the S.O.P. is for the order to be printed regardless how it looks. To quote " thats how it is sent in then don't question it just print it. If it is wrong then we will reprint it at a charge because we don't touch or adjust the files sent in."
      Then people wonder why Artco is so slow (lack of work)?  just a guess, lack of caring about what the customer receives.  Instead of taking the time to fix a problem just send it through. 
       Why don't they take the time ?  Oh wait the employees that have been Laid-off were the ones that corrected a lot of the order files, that had been sent in with problems.
            Who would make such an awesome decision Taylor Corp.  or so the employee's have been lead to believe.  But my money is still with the management or Artco.  A poor decision by the parent company should be questioned, not blindly followed.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Need Posters

I would like it if this website thrived for the Artco employees. Please know that if you would like to post and not just comment you don't even have to tell me who you are. Create a fake Gmail account and email me with the desire to post. No one will ever discover who you are unless you put your name up here.

Email me at and I'll get you set up.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

summer non-work program

Copied from Aaron L. "We have never looked at our employees who have been here 10 years or longer and said we need to get rid of them. Our long term employees are valuable and can help our company continue to succeed."

Placed on summer non-work
L. Berry-------------------over 30 years
K. Berry------------------over 30 years
J. Powell------------------over 30 years
B. Harmon--------------over 25 years
A. Sakota----------------over 10 years
D. Naive------------------over 20 years
W. Robertson-----------over 15 years
S. Siepert--------------- over 15 years

Things that make you go hummmmm

as a side note, none of these people commented to me how they felt about it

Naming No Names

I'm not going to point fingers or anything but there is something that is bothering me about management. I know I shouldn't really care about Artco anymore because I'm not working there, but I love the place. I really do. I still have many friends that work there and care about their well being. 

Here is my concern:

Why is it that some in "POWER" think that somehow having a freaking education qualifies you to lead a company? Obviously they are hiding behind that piece of paper. I say "Quit talking about how educated people are better business leaders and start proving it." I went to school for 6 years and do not have a degree. Guess what though... I own my successful company free and clear. My company teaches tens of thousands of truck drivers how to be successful and I know some of them are making more money than the big man sitting upstairs in Artco. Without a degree I create the most successful truck accounting software on the internet and have the largest database of fuel efficiency reports for commercial trucks. Sit and spin on that is what say to those ignorant people who punish people for a missing piece of paper.

When I heard what they had done to a certain employee whom I've admired and looked up to for years I knew that those who made that decision were morons. In my opinion he should have been running Artco. He understood every aspect of the business. To demote him for whatever lame reason they came up with was just stupid. Face it UPPER MANAGEMENT you suck at making decisions. Take the blame and be adults. The next time you have budget cuts then look in the mirror. Not like you are doing much anyway.

To all the amazing, hard working team members of Artco... do not feel like you are stuck. You are a powerful force. If corporate closed you down because of a strike they'd first lose millions because customers would leave and never come back. Don't think for a second that any other company can pick up what you do in even a week. You are not replaceable. Management wants you to think like that because that is the only way they know how to lead. They lead by fear and not example.

I admire the hard working.
Aaron Yount

What great comments

Please go and take a look at this comment by an employee.

Best Comment Ever :: CLICK HERE

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

This was a comment from an employee that I thought I'd repost.

I sincerely think it is time for Artco employees to organize a strike or a possible class action lawsuit against TOG.  Please spread the word and post some responses!

I'm really interested in hearing what other employees think about this statement. I have no clue who posted this but hopefully we get some good comments. Also, for all those who do not know what TOG means it stands for "The Occasions Group" owned by Taylor Corp. I believe there are a few employees at Artco who work directly for TOG and some, not all, have the attitude that they really don't care about what happens to Artco because they'll always have a job with TOG. Something to think about I guess.

On a lighter note I've fully recovered from the Artco minionism... hahaha - I'm heading to Vegas for a truck show. I'd never be this successful if it wasn't for Artco getting rid of me. THANK YOU

Friday, April 22, 2011

Hello, my name is Aaron Yount and

I'm a recovering Artco minion

That feels so good to say.