Saturday, June 11, 2011

Naming No Names

I'm not going to point fingers or anything but there is something that is bothering me about management. I know I shouldn't really care about Artco anymore because I'm not working there, but I love the place. I really do. I still have many friends that work there and care about their well being. 

Here is my concern:

Why is it that some in "POWER" think that somehow having a freaking education qualifies you to lead a company? Obviously they are hiding behind that piece of paper. I say "Quit talking about how educated people are better business leaders and start proving it." I went to school for 6 years and do not have a degree. Guess what though... I own my successful company free and clear. My company teaches tens of thousands of truck drivers how to be successful and I know some of them are making more money than the big man sitting upstairs in Artco. Without a degree I create the most successful truck accounting software on the internet and have the largest database of fuel efficiency reports for commercial trucks. Sit and spin on that is what say to those ignorant people who punish people for a missing piece of paper.

When I heard what they had done to a certain employee whom I've admired and looked up to for years I knew that those who made that decision were morons. In my opinion he should have been running Artco. He understood every aspect of the business. To demote him for whatever lame reason they came up with was just stupid. Face it UPPER MANAGEMENT you suck at making decisions. Take the blame and be adults. The next time you have budget cuts then look in the mirror. Not like you are doing much anyway.

To all the amazing, hard working team members of Artco... do not feel like you are stuck. You are a powerful force. If corporate closed you down because of a strike they'd first lose millions because customers would leave and never come back. Don't think for a second that any other company can pick up what you do in even a week. You are not replaceable. Management wants you to think like that because that is the only way they know how to lead. They lead by fear and not example.

I admire the hard working.
Aaron Yount

1 comment:

  1. Aaron, first let me thank you for this outlet to post our feelings. While I don't know who you are talking about " should be running Artco" , I could guess but I wont bother here. As far as the education comments. In most areas of education the "paper on the wall" diploma has a shelf life it is safe to say that in the technology over 5 years you might as well take it down.things have changed so much that you diploma isn't worth much. nothing personal to those of us that have gotten degrees it is just a fact of life.
    As far as education helping out. Our previous president G. Miller, he had a degree in accounting but in every company meeting we hear about all the money Artco was loosing and all the poor decisions he made of course his name is never brought up. so clearly education isn't everything.
